I don’t know about you but, when I think of Chinese cuisine I always get these visions of fresh ingredients that are vibrant and full of flavor. The next thing that comes to mind is the sweet and sour taste that I have come to associate with some of their foods.
So, I set out to find out how to make Chinese rice for myself. You see, i had always been having it as a take-away but never tried to cook it in my own kitchen. I remember thinking to myself; why don’t I just take the plunge and do this?! I did a lot of research on how to go about it and tried out a few time. I finally came up with a recipe that was similar, if not better, than the take-aways I was accustomed to. Continue reading to find out how to make Chinese Rice, Jikoni Magic way!
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 3 medium sized carrots
- 2 medium sized tomatoes
- 1 medium sized red onion
- A few stalks of spring onions
- 1 cup pre-boiled peas
- 2 small green peppers
- 1 medium sized yellow bell pepper
- A bunch of coriander leaves
- 1 inch of ginger root
- 1 large red bell pepper divided into half (or 1 medium sized one)
- 2 cups pre-cooked rice
- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
- 2 teaspoons Soy Sauce

- 250g of pre-boiled beef (Optional you can make it purely vegetarian or add any protein of your choice like chicken or shrimp)
- Salt to taste (if necessary)

- Start by julienning the vegetables and set them aside. Try as much as possible to have all the vegetables in equal sizes so that they can cook evenly. A very useful tip to remember is that all the ingredients have to be prepares before hand because once you start cooking everything moves very fast.
- Heat the oil in a pan, add the onions and cook for about a minute. Next add the ginger and garlic, and stir to mix. Leave the mixture to cook for about a minute as well.
- Add the peas and mix well.
- Put in the remaining vegetables (apart from the spring onions)mix well and then add the soy sauce. Cook for about two minutes.
- Finally add the pre-boiled beef and spring onions and mix thoroughly. Taste for salt., if not enough you can add at this point. Be careful not to add before because the soy sauce is very salty.
- This is the point where you add your pre cooked rice and mix it all in. Garnish with coriander if you wish and serve immediately.
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